About This Blog

Summoning the Rain is a blog that focuses on sharing recently released black metal albums as soon as they are available, as well as occasionally featuring great albums from the genre's illustrious back catalogue.

If you are an artist that has material posted on this blog and wish it to be removed, please email me with your request and the links to the download will be edited out of the blog post. I do not wish to offend any artists with this blog and will respond co-operatively with any such requests. However, please keep in mind that your material is certainly available for free somewhere else on the internet, and that blogs such as these can help artists by exposing them to new fans. Please send all requests to tds418 [at] gmail [dot] com.

Remember, if you like an artist's music, support them by buying their releases and merch and attending their shows! Support any and all music scenes that have enriched your life.
